I'm officially moving to Florence, SC for a job and that means I get to brew again starting in June! I've also signed a lease on a house so I'll be able to get back to a propane burner outside, and can do 5 gallon boils if I want. I'm still not sure if I want to go back to that much beer because I really liked brewing more frequently in small batches. I'm sure I'll mix it up a little bit. The only down side about Florence is that there is no homebrew shop. I'm going to have to order online like I used to a few years ago. Shouldn't be a problem, just something to think about now.
I got a water report from Florence recently so I can tweak my water if necessary.
Florence Water Report 2013
Turbidity - <1 NTU
Calcium, Total - 8.9 mg/L
Magnesium, Total - 1.08 mg/L
Manganese, Total - <0.005 mg/L
Alkalinity - 35.4 mg/L
Hardness, total (calculated) - 26.7 mg/L
TDS - 77.8 mg/L
Phosphorus, Total - <0.10 mg/L